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Return codes from keyscan $028e

keyscan		call	$028e
		ld	a,e
		cp	"return code"
		jr	z,key1
		cp	"return code"
		jr	z,key2
;$028e return codes
;input: none
;output: e = return code, d: $18 = SS, $27 = CS, $28 = CS+SS
;        de = $ffff - nothing was pressed, de = $2718 - EXTEND
;        z = ok, nz = bad keys combination
;   1 $24   2 $1C   3 $14   4 $0C   5 $04   6 $03   7 $0B   8 $13   9 $1B   0 $23
;   Q $25   W $1D   E $15   R $0D   T $05   Y $02   U $0A   I $12   O $1A   P $22
;   A $26   S $1E   D $16   F $0E   G $06   H $01   J $09   K $11   L $19 ENT $21
;  CS $27   Z $1F   X $17   C $0F   V $07   B $00   N $08   M $10  SS $18 SPC $20
;Other usage is INKEY$ with return code in ASCII
;input: none
;output: a = ASCII code of pressed key, or $00 if nothing was pressed or bad combination
inkey		call	$028e
		jr	nz,iaa
		call	$031e
		jr	nc,iaa
		dec	d
		ld	e,a
		call	$0333
		or	a
		db	$06
iaa		xor	a

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keyscan-codes.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/16 13:23 by darkbyte