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PT2 / PT3 player

syntax is for ASL

		cpu	z80undoc
		relaxed	on
;        module p1
;universal pt2 and pt3 player for zx spectrum and msx
;(c)2004-2005 s.v.bulba <>
;ASL adaptation by z00m^TCG & mborik 02/2013
;release number
release		equ	"0"
;conditional assembly
;1) version of rout (zx or msx standards)
zx		equ	1
msx		equ	0
;2) current position counter at (start+11)
curposcounter	equ	1
;3) allow channels allocation bits at (start+10)
acbbac		equ	1
;4) allow loop checking and disabling
loopchecker	equ	1
;5) insert official identificator
id		equ	1
;-can be compiled at any address (i.e. no need rounding org
; address).
;-variables (vars) can be located at any address (not only after
;code block).
;-init subprogram checks pt3-module version and rightly
; generates both note and volume tables outside of code block
; (in vars).
;-two portamento (spc. command 3xxx) algorithms (depending of
; pt3 module version).
;-any tempo value are accepted (including tempo=1 and tempo=2).
;-fully compatible with ay_emul pt3 and pt2 players codes.
;-see also notes at the end of this source code.
;-can run in ram only (self-modified code is used).
;-pt2 position list must be end by #ff marker only.
;warning!!! play subprogram can crash if no module are loaded
;into ram or init subprogram was not called before.
;call mute or init one more time to mute sound after stopping
;test codes (commented)
;       ld a,2 ;pt2,abc,looped
;       ld (start+10),a
;       call start
;       ei
;_lp    halt
;       call start+5
;       xor a
;       in a,(#fe)
;       cpl
;       and 15
;       jr z,_lp
tona		equ	0
tonb		equ	2
tonc		equ	4
noise		equ	6
mixer		equ	7
ampla		equ	8
amplb		equ	9
amplc		equ	10
env		equ	11
envtp		equ	13
;       struct  chp
;reset group
chp_psinor	equ	0
chp_psinsm	equ	1
chp_cramsl	equ	2
chp_crnssl	equ	3
chp_crensl	equ	4
chp_tslcnt	equ	5
chp_crtnsl	equ	6
chp_tnacc	equ	8
chp_conoff	equ	10
;reset group
chp_onoffd	equ	11
;ix for ptdecod here (+12)
chp_offond	equ	12
chp_ornptr	equ	13
chp_samptr	equ	15
chp_nntskp	equ	17
chp_note	equ	18
chp_sltont	equ	19
chp_env_en	equ	20
chp_flags	equ	21
;enabled - 0,simplegliss - 2
chp_tnsldl	equ	22
chp_tslstp	equ	23
chp_tndelt	equ	25
chp_ntskcn	equ	27
chp_volume	equ	28
;       ends
chp		equ	29
;entry and other points
;start initialize playing of module at mdladdr
;start+3 initialization with module address in hl
;start+5 play one quark
;start+8 mute
;start+10 setup and status flags
;start+11 current position value (byte) (optional)
;first 12 values of tone tables (packed)
		ld	hl,modstart
		jr	init
		jp	play
		jr	mute
setup		db	0
;set bit0, if you want to play without looping
;set bit1 for pt2 and reset for pt3 before
;calling init;
;bits2-3: %00-abc, %01 acb, %10 bac (optional);
;bits4-6 are not used
;bit7 is set each time, when loop point is passed
		if	curposcounter
curpos		db	0
;for visualization only (i.e. no need for playing)
		if	id
		db	"=uni pt2 and pt3 player r.",release,"="
		if	loopchecker
checklp		ld	hl,setup
		set	7,(hl)
		bit	0,(hl)
		ret	z
		pop	hl
		ld	hl,delycnt
		inc	(hl)
		ld	hl,chana+chp_ntskcn
		inc	(hl)
mute		xor	a
		ld	h,a
		ld	l,a
		ld	(ayregs+ampla),a
		ld	(ayregs+amplb),hl
		jp	rout
init						;hl - addressofmodule
		ld	a,(start+10)
		and	2
		jr	nz,initpt2
		call	setmdad
		push	hl
		ld	de,100
		add	hl,de
		ld	a,(hl)
		ld	(delay),a
		push	hl
		pop	ix
		add	hl,de
		ld	(crpsptr),hl
		ld	e,(ix+102-100)
		inc	hl
		if	curposcounter
		ld	a,l
		ld	(possub+1),a
		add	hl,de
		ld	(lposptr),hl
		pop	de
		ld	l,(ix+103-100)
		ld	h,(ix+104-100)
		add	hl,de
		ld	(patsptr),hl
		ld	hl,169
		add	hl,de
		ld	(ornptrs),hl
		ld	hl,105
		add	hl,de
		ld	(samptrs),hl
		ld	a,(ix+13-100)		;extract version number
		sub	$30
		jr	c,l20
		cp	10
		jr	c,l21
l20		ld	a,6
l21		ld	(zversion+1),a
		push 	af 			;voltable version
		cp	4
		ld	a,(ix+99-100)		;tone table number
		and	7
		push	af;			notetable number
		ld	hl,$1f18		;(e_-samcnv-2)*256+#18
		ld	(samcnv),hl
		ld	a,$ba
		ld	(orncp),a
		ld	(samcp),a
		ld	a,$7b
		ld	(ornld),a
		ld	(samld),a
		ld	a,$87
		ld	(samclc2),a
		ld	bc,pt3pd
		ld	hl,0
		ld	de,pt3emptyorn
		jr	initcommon
initpt2		ld	a,(hl)
		ld	(delay),a
		push	hl
		push	hl
		push	hl
		inc	hl
		inc	hl
		ld	a,(hl)
		inc	hl
		ld	(samptrs),hl
		ld	e,(hl)
		inc	hl
		ld	d,(hl)
		pop	hl
		and	a
		sbc	hl,de
		call	setmdad
		pop	hl
		ld	de,67
		add	hl,de
		ld	(ornptrs),hl
		ld	e,32
		add	hl,de
		ld	c,(hl)
		inc	hl
		ld	b,(hl)
		ld	e,30
		add	hl,de
		ld	(crpsptr),hl
		ld	e,a
		inc	hl
		if	curposcounter
		ld	a,l
		ld	(possub+1),a
		add	hl,de
		ld	(lposptr),hl
		pop	hl
		add	hl,bc
		ld	(patsptr),hl
		ld	a,5
		ld	(zversion+1),a
		push	af
		ld	a,2
		push	af
		ld	hl,$51cb
		ld	(samcnv),hl
		ld	a,$bb
		ld	(orncp),a
		ld	(samcp),a
		ld	a,$7a
		ld	(ornld),a
		ld	(samld),a
		ld	a,$80
		ld	(samclc2),a
		ld	bc,pt2pd
		ld	hl,$8687
		ld	de,pt2emptyorn
		ld	(ptdecod+1),bc
		ld	(pscalc),hl
		push	de
;note table data depacker
;(c) ivan roshin
		ld	de,t_pack
		ld	bc,t1_+(2*49)-1
tp_0		ld	a,(de)
		inc	de
		cp	15*2
		jr	nc,tp_1
		ld	h,a
		ld	a,(de)
		ld	l,a
		inc	de
		jr	tp_2
tp_1		push	de
		ld	d,0
		ld	e,a
		add	hl,de
		add	hl,de
		pop	de
tp_2		ld	a,h
		ld	(bc),a
		dec	bc
		ld	a,l
		ld	(bc),a
		dec	bc
		sub	($f8*2)#256
		jr	nz,tp_0
		ld	hl,setup
		res	7,(hl)
		if	curposcounter
		inc	hl
		ld	(hl),a
		ld	hl,vars
		ld	(hl),a
		ld	de,vars+1
		ld	bc,var0end-vars-1
		ld	(adinpta),hl		;ptr to zero
		inc	a
		ld	(delycnt),a
		ld	hl,$f001		;h - chp_volume, l - chp_ntskcn
		ld	(chana+chp_ntskcn),hl
		ld	(chanb+chp_ntskcn),hl
		ld	(chanc+chp_ntskcn),hl
		pop	hl
		ld	(chana+chp_ornptr),hl
		ld	(chanb+chp_ornptr),hl
		ld	(chanc+chp_ornptr),hl
		pop	af
;notetablecreator (c) ivan roshin
;a - notetablenumber*2+versionfornotetable
;(xx1b - 3.xx..3.4r, xx0b - 3.4x..3.6x..vtii1.0)
		ld	hl,nt_data
		push	de
		ld	d,b
		add	a,a
		ld	e,a
		add	hl,de
		ld	e,(hl)
		inc	hl
		srl	e
		sbc	a,a
		and	$a7			;#00 (nop) or #a7 (and a)
		ld	(l3),a
		ex	de,hl
		pop	bc			;bc=t1_
		add	hl,bc
		ld	a,(de)
		add	a,(t_)#256
		ld	c,a
		adc	a,t_/256
		sub	c
		ld	b,a
		push	bc
		ld	de,nt_
		push	de
		ld	b,12
l1		push	bc
		ld	c,(hl)
		inc	hl
		push	hl
		ld	b,(hl)
		push	de
		ex	de,hl
		ld	de,23
		ld	ixu,8
l2		srl	b
		rr	c
l3		db	$19			;and a or nop
		ld	a,c
		adc	a,d			;=adc 0
		ld	(hl),a
		inc	hl
		ld	a,b
		adc	a,d
		ld	(hl),a
		add	hl,de
		dec	ixu
		jr	nz,l2
		pop	de
		inc	de
		inc	de
		pop	hl
		inc	hl
		pop	bc
		djnz	l1
		pop	hl
		pop	de
		ld	a,e
		cp	(tcold_1)#256
		jr	nz,corr_1
		ld	a,$fd
		ld	(nt_+$2e),a
corr_1		ld	a,(de)
		and	a
		jr	z,tc_exit
		push	af
		add	a,a
		ld	c,a
		add	hl,bc
		pop	af
		jr	nc,corr_2
		dec	(hl)
		dec	(hl)
corr_2		inc	(hl)
		and	a
		sbc	hl,bc
		inc	de
		jr	corr_1
		pop	af
;voltablecreator (c) ivan roshin
;a - versionforvolumetable (0..4 - 3.xx..3.4x;
;5.. - 2.x,3.5x..3.6x..vtii1.0)
		cp	5
		ld	hl,$11
		ld	d,h
		ld	e,h
		ld	a,$17
		jr	nc,m1
		dec	l
		ld	e,l
		xor	a
m1		ld	(m2),a
		ld	ix,vt_+16
		ld	c,$f
initv2		push	hl
		add	hl,de
		ex	de,hl
		sbc	hl,hl
		ld	b,$10
initv1		ld	a,l
m2		db	$7d
		ld	a,h
		adc	a,0
		ld	(ix),a
		inc	ix
		add	hl,de
		djnz	initv1
		pop	hl
		ld	a,e
		cp	$77
		jr	nz,m3
		inc	e
m3		dec	c
		jr	nz,initv2
		jp	rout
setmdad		ld	(modaddr),hl
		ld	(mdaddr1),hl
		ld	(mdaddr2),hl
ptdecod		jp	$c3c3
;pt2 pattern decoder
pd2_sam		call	setsam
		jr	pd2_loop
pd2_eoff	ld	(ix-12+chp_env_en),a
		jr	pd2_loop
pd2_env		ld	(ix-12+chp_env_en),16
		ld	(ayregs+envtp),a
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	l,a
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	h,a
		ld	(envbase),hl
		jr	pd2_loop
pd2_orn		call	setorn
		jr	pd2_loop
pd2_skip	inc	a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_nntskp),a
		jr	pd2_loop
pd2_vol		rrca
		ld	(ix-12+chp_volume),a
		jr	pd2_loop
pd2_del		call	c_delay
		jr	pd2_loop
pd2_glis	set	2,(ix-12+chp_flags)
		inc	a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tnsldl),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tslcnt),a
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tslstp),a
		add	a,a
		sbc	a,a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tslstp+1),a
		jr	pd2_lp2
pt2pd		and	a
pd2_lp2		ex	af,af'
pd2_loop	ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		add	a,$20
		jr	z,pd2_rel
		jr	c,pd2_sam
		add	a,96
		jr	c,pd2_note
		inc	a
		jr	z,pd2_eoff
		add	a,15
		jp	z,pd_fin
		jr	c,pd2_env
		add	a,$10
		jr	c,pd2_orn
		add	a,$40
		jr	c,pd2_skip
		add	a,$10
		jr	c,pd2_vol
		inc	a
		jr	z,pd2_del
		inc	a
		jr	z,pd2_glis
		inc	a
		jr	z,pd2_port
		inc	a
		jr	z,pd2_stop
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	(ix-12+chp_crnssl),a
		jr	pd2_loop
pd2_port	res	2,(ix-12+chp_flags)
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		inc	bc		;ignoring precalc delta to right sound
		inc	bc
		jr	pd2_lp2
pd2_stop	ld	(ix-12+chp_tslcnt),a
		jr	pd2_loop
pd2_rel		ld	(ix-12+chp_flags),a
		jr	pd2_exit
pd2_note	ld	l,a
		ld	a,(ix-12+chp_note)
		ld	(prnote+1),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_note),l
		xor	a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tslcnt),a
		set	0,(ix-12+chp_flags)
		ex	af,af'
		jr	nc,noglis2
		bit	2,(ix-12+chp_flags)
		jr	nz,noport2
		ld	(lostep),a
		add	a,a
		sbc	a,a
		ex	af,af'
		ld	h,a
		ld	l,a
		inc	a
		call	setport
noport2		ld	(ix-12+chp_tslcnt),1
noglis2		xor	a
pd2_exit	ld	(ix-12+chp_psinsm),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_psinor),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_crtnsl),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_crtnsl+1),a
		jp	pd_fin
;pt3 pattern decoder
pd_orsm		ld	(ix-12+chp_env_en),0
		call	setorn
pd_sam_		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
pd_sam		call	setsam
		jr	pd_loop
pd_vol		rrca
		ld	(ix-12+chp_volume),a
		jr	pd_lp2
pd_eoff		ld	(ix-12+chp_env_en),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_psinor),a
		jr	pd_lp2
pd_sore		dec	a
		jr	nz,pd_env
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	(ix-12+chp_nntskp),a
		jr	pd_lp2
pd_env		call	setenv
		jr	pd_lp2
pd_orn		call	setorn
		jr	pd_loop
pd_esam		ld	(ix-12+chp_env_en),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_psinor),a
		call	nz,setenv
		jr	pd_sam_
pt3pd		ld	a,(ix-12+chp_note)
		ld	(prnote+1),a
		ld	l,(ix-12+chp_crtnsl)
		ld	h,(ix-12+chp_crtnsl+1)
		ld	(prslide+1),hl
pd_loop		ld	de,$2010
pd_lp2		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		add	a,e
		jr	c,pd_orsm
		add	a,d
		jr	z,pd_fin
		jr	c,pd_sam
		add	a,e
		jr	z,pd_rel
		jr	c,pd_vol
		add	a,e
		jr	z,pd_eoff
		jr	c,pd_sore
		add	a,96
		jr	c,pd_note
		add	a,e
		jr	c,pd_orn
		add	a,d
		jr	c,pd_nois
		add	a,e
		jr	c,pd_esam
		add	a,a
		ld	e,a
		ld	hl,spccoms-$20e0
		add	hl,de
		ld	e,(hl)
		inc	hl
		ld	d,(hl)
		push	de
		jr	pd_loop
pd_nois		ld	(ns_base),a
		jr	pd_lp2
pd_rel		res	0,(ix-12+chp_flags)
		jr	pd_res
pd_note		ld	(ix-12+chp_note),a
		set	0,(ix-12+chp_flags)
		xor	a
pd_res		ld	(pdsp_+1),sp
		ld	sp,ix
		ld	h,a
		ld	l,a
		push	hl
		push	hl
		push	hl
		push	hl
		push	hl
		push	hl
pdsp_		ld	sp,$3131
pd_fin		ld	a,(ix-12+chp_nntskp)
		ld	(ix-12+chp_ntskcn),a
c_portm		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
;skip precalculated tone delta (because
;cannot be right after pt3 compilation)
		inc	bc
		inc	bc
		ex	af,af'
		ld	a,(bc)	;signed tone step
		inc	bc
		ld	(lostep),a
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		and	a
		ex	af,af'
		ld	l,(ix-12+chp_crtnsl)
		ld	h,(ix-12+chp_crtnsl+1)
;set portamento variables
;a - delay; a' - hi(step); zf' - (a'=0); hl - crtnsl
setport		res	2,(ix-12+chp_flags)
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tnsldl),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tslcnt),a
		push	hl
		ld	de,nt_
		ld	a,(ix-12+chp_note)
		ld	(ix-12+chp_sltont),a
		add	a,a
		ld	l,a
		ld	h,0
		add	hl,de
		ld	a,(hl)
		inc	hl
		ld	h,(hl)
		ld	l,a
		push	hl
prnote		ld	a,$3e
		ld	(ix-12+chp_note),a
		add	a,a
		ld	l,a
		ld	h,0
		add	hl,de
		ld	e,(hl)
		inc	hl
		ld	d,(hl)
		pop	hl
		sbc	hl,de
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tndelt),l
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tndelt+1),h
		pop	de
zversion	ld	a,$3e
		cp	6
		jr	c,oldprtm	;old 3xxx for pt v3.5-
prslide		ld	de,$1111
		ld	(ix-12+chp_crtnsl),e
		ld	(ix-12+chp_crtnsl+1),d
lostep		equ	$+1
oldprtm		ld	a,$3e
		ex	af,af'
		jr	z,nosig
		ex	de,hl
nosig		sbc	hl,de
		jp	p,set_stp
		ex	af,af'
		ex	af,af'
set_stp		ld	(ix-12+chp_tslstp+1),a
		ex	af,af'
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tslstp),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_conoff),0
c_gliss		set	2,(ix-12+chp_flags)
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tnsldl),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tslcnt),a
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ex	af,af'
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		jr	set_stp
c_smpos		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	(ix-12+chp_psinsm),a
c_orpos		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	(ix-12+chp_psinor),a
c_vibrt		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	(ix-12+chp_onoffd),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_conoff),a
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	(ix-12+chp_offond),a
		xor	a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_tslcnt),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_crtnsl),a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_crtnsl+1),a
c_engls		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	(env_del),a
		ld	(curedel),a
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	l,a
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	h,a
		ld	(esldadd),hl
c_delay		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	(delay),a
setenv		ld	(ix-12+chp_env_en),e
		ld	(ayregs+envtp),a
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	h,a
		ld	a,(bc)
		inc	bc
		ld	l,a
		ld	(envbase),hl
		xor	a
		ld	(ix-12+chp_psinor),a
		ld	(curedel),a
		ld	h,a
		ld	l,a
		ld	(curesld),hl
c_nop		ret
setorn		add	a,a
		ld	e,a
		ld	d,0
		ld	(ix-12+chp_psinor),d
ornptrs		equ	$+1
		ld	hl,$2121
		add	hl,de
		ld	e,(hl)
		inc	hl
		ld	d,(hl)
mdaddr2		equ	$+1
		ld	hl,$2121
		add	hl,de
		ld	(ix-12+chp_ornptr),l
		ld	(ix-12+chp_ornptr+1),h
setsam		add	a,a
		ld	e,a
		ld	d,0
samptrs		equ	$+1
		ld	hl,$2121
		add	hl,de
		ld	e,(hl)
		inc	hl
		ld	d,(hl)
mdaddr1		equ	$+1
		ld	hl,$2121
		add	hl,de
		ld	(ix-12+chp_samptr),l
		ld	(ix-12+chp_samptr+1),h
;all 16 addresses to protect from broken pt3 modules
spccoms		dw	c_nop
		dw	c_gliss
		dw	c_portm
		dw	c_smpos
		dw	c_orpos
		dw	c_vibrt
		dw	c_nop
		dw	c_nop
		dw	c_engls
		dw	c_delay
		dw	c_nop
		dw	c_nop
		dw	c_nop
		dw	c_nop
		dw	c_nop
		dw	c_nop
chregs		xor	a
		ld	(ampl),a
		bit	0,(ix+chp_flags)
		push	hl
		jp	z,ch_exit
		ld	(csp_+1),sp
		ld	l,(ix+chp_ornptr)
		ld	h,(ix+chp_ornptr+1)
		ld	sp,hl
		pop	de
		ld	h,a
		ld	a,(ix+chp_psinor)
		ld	l,a
		add	hl,sp
		inc	a
						;pt2    pt3
orncp		inc	a			;cp e   cp d
		jr	c,ch_orps
ornld		db	1			;ld a,d ld a,e
ch_orps		ld	(ix+chp_psinor),a
		ld	a,(ix+chp_note)
		add	a,(hl)
		jp	p,ch_ntp
		xor	a
ch_ntp		cp	96
		jr	c,ch_nok
		ld	a,95
ch_nok		add	a,a
		ex	af,af'
		ld	l,(ix+chp_samptr)
		ld	h,(ix+chp_samptr+1)
		ld	sp,hl
		pop	de
		ld	h,0
		ld	a,(ix+chp_psinsm)
		ld	b,a
		add	a,a
samclc2		add	a,a			;or add a,b for pt2
		ld	l,a
		add	hl,sp
		ld	sp,hl
		ld	a,b
		inc	a
						;pt2    pt3
samcp		inc	a			;cp e   cp d
		jr	c,ch_smps
samld		db	1			;ld a,d ld a,e
ch_smps		ld	(ix+chp_psinsm),a
		pop	bc
		pop	hl
;convert pt2 sample to pt3
						;pt2            pt3
samcnv		pop	hl			;bit 2,c        jr e_
		pop	hl
		ld	h,b
		jr	nz,$+8
		ex	de,hl
		and	a
		sbc	hl,hl
		sbc	hl,de
		ld	d,c
		rr	c
		sbc	a,a
		and	$3e
		rr	c
		rr	b
		and	c
		ld	c,a
		ld	a,b
		rr	d
		and	$9f
		ld	b,a
e_		ld	e,(ix+chp_tnacc)
		ld	d,(ix+chp_tnacc+1)
		add	hl,de
		bit	6,b
		jr	z,ch_noac
		ld	(ix+chp_tnacc),l
		ld	(ix+chp_tnacc+1),h
ch_noac		ex	de,hl
		ex	af,af'
		add	a,(nt_)#256
		ld	l,a
		adc	a,nt_/256
		sub	l
		ld	h,a
		ld	sp,hl
		pop	hl
		add	hl,de
		ld	e,(ix+chp_crtnsl)
		ld	d,(ix+chp_crtnsl+1)
		add	hl,de
csp_		ld	sp,$3131
		ex	(sp),hl
		xor	a
		or	(ix+chp_tslcnt)
		jr	z,ch_amp
		dec	(ix+chp_tslcnt)
		jr	nz,ch_amp
		ld	a,(ix+chp_tnsldl)
		ld	(ix+chp_tslcnt),a
		ld	l,(ix+chp_tslstp)
		ld	h,(ix+chp_tslstp+1)
		ld	a,h
		add	hl,de
		ld	(ix+chp_crtnsl),l
		ld	(ix+chp_crtnsl+1),h
		bit	2,(ix+chp_flags)
		jr	nz,ch_amp
		ld	e,(ix+chp_tndelt)
		ld	d,(ix+chp_tndelt+1)
		and	a
		jr	z,ch_stpp
		ex	de,hl
ch_stpp		sbc	hl,de
		jp	m,ch_amp
		ld	a,(ix+chp_sltont)
		ld	(ix+chp_note),a
		xor	a
		ld	(ix+chp_tslcnt),a
		ld	(ix+chp_crtnsl),a
		ld	(ix+chp_crtnsl+1),a
ch_amp		ld	a,(ix+chp_cramsl)
		bit	7,c
		jr	z,ch_noam
		bit	6,c
		jr	z,ch_amin
		cp	15
		jr	z,ch_noam
		inc	a
		jr	ch_svam
ch_amin		cp	-15
		jr	z,ch_noam
		dec	a
ch_svam		ld	(ix+chp_cramsl),a
ch_noam		ld	l,a
		ld	a,b
		and	15
		add	a,l
		jp	p,ch_apos
		xor	a
ch_apos		cp	16
		jr	c,ch_vol
		ld	a,15
ch_vol		or	(ix+chp_volume)
		add	a,(vt_)#256
		ld	l,a
		adc	a,vt_/256
		sub	l
		ld	h,a
		ld	a,(hl)
ch_env		bit	0,c
		jr	nz,ch_noen
		or	(ix+chp_env_en)
ch_noen		ld	(ampl),a
		bit	7,b
		ld	a,c
		jr	z,no_ensl
		sra	a
		sra	a
		sra	a
		add	a,(ix+chp_crensl)	;see comment below
		bit	5,b
		jr	z,no_enac
		ld	(ix+chp_crensl),a
no_enac		ld	hl,addtoen
		add	a,(hl)			;bug in pt3 - need word here
		ld	(hl),a
		jr	ch_mix
no_ensl		rra
		add	a,(ix+chp_crnssl)
		ld	(addtons),a
		bit	5,b
		jr	z,ch_mix
		ld	(ix+chp_crnssl),a
ch_mix		ld	a,b
		and	$48
ch_exit		ld	hl,ayregs+mixer
		or	(hl)
		ld	(hl),a
		pop	hl
		xor	a
		or	(ix+chp_conoff)
		ret	z
		dec	(ix+chp_conoff)
		ret	nz
		xor	(ix+chp_flags)
		ld	(ix+chp_flags),a
		ld	a,(ix+chp_onoffd)
		jr	c,ch_ondl
		ld	a,(ix+chp_offond)
ch_ondl		ld	(ix+chp_conoff),a
play		xor	a
		ld	(addtoen),a
		ld	(ayregs+mixer),a
		dec	a
		ld	(ayregs+envtp),a
		ld	hl,delycnt
		dec	(hl)
		jp	nz,pl2
		ld	hl,chana+chp_ntskcn
		dec	(hl)
		jr	nz,pl1b
adinpta		equ	$+1
		ld	bc,$0101
		ld	a,(bc)
		and	a
		jr	nz,pl1a
		ld	d,a
		ld	(ns_base),a
crpsptr		equ	$+1
		ld	hl,$2121
		inc	hl
		ld	a,(hl)
		inc	a
		jr	nz,plnlp
		if	loopchecker
		call	checklp
lposptr		equ	$+1
		ld	hl,$2121
		ld	a,(hl)
		inc	a
plnlp		ld	(crpsptr),hl
		dec	a
					;pt2            pt3
pscalc		dec	a		;add a,a        nop
		dec	a		;add a,(hl)     nop
		add	a,a
		ld	e,a
		rl	d
		if	curposcounter
		ld	a,l
possub		sub	$d6
		ld	(curpos),a
patsptr		equ	$+1
		ld	hl,$2121
		add	hl,de
modaddr		equ	$+1
		ld	de,$1111
		ld	(psp_+1),sp
		ld	sp,hl
		pop	hl
		add	hl,de
		ld	b,h
		ld	c,l
		pop	hl
		add	hl,de
		ld	(adinptb),hl
		pop	hl
		add	hl,de
		ld	(adinptc),hl
psp_		ld	sp,$3131
pl1a		ld	ix,chana+12
		call	ptdecod
		ld	(adinpta),bc
pl1b		ld	hl,chanb+chp_ntskcn
		dec	(hl)
		jr	nz,pl1c
		ld	ix,chanb+12
adinptb		equ	$+1
		ld	bc,$0101
		call	ptdecod
		ld	(adinptb),bc
pl1c		ld	hl,chanc+chp_ntskcn
		dec	(hl)
		jr	nz,pl1d
		ld	ix,chanc+12
adinptc		equ	$+1
		ld	bc,$0101
		call	ptdecod
		ld	(adinptc),bc
delay		equ	$+1
pl1d		ld	a,$3e
		ld	(delycnt),a
pl2		ld	ix,chana
		ld	hl,(ayregs+tona)
		call	chregs
		ld	(ayregs+tona),hl
		ld	a,(ampl)
		ld	(ayregs+ampla),a
		ld	ix,chanb
		ld	hl,(ayregs+tonb)
		call	chregs
		ld	(ayregs+tonb),hl
		ld	a,(ampl)
		ld	(ayregs+amplb),a
		ld	ix,chanc
		ld	hl,(ayregs+tonc)
		call	chregs
		ld	(ayregs+tonc),hl
		ld	hl,(ns_base_addtons)
		ld	a,h
		add	a,l
		ld	(ayregs+noise),a
addtoen		equ	$+1
		ld	a,$3e
		ld	e,a
		add	a,a
		sbc	a,a
		ld	d,a
		ld	hl,(envbase)
		add	hl,de
		ld	de,(curesld)
		add	hl,de
		ld	(ayregs+env),hl
		xor	a
		ld	hl,curedel
		or	(hl)
		jr	z,rout
		dec	(hl)
		jr	nz,rout
env_del		equ	$+1
		ld	a,$3e
		ld	(hl),a
esldadd		equ	$+1
		ld	hl,$2121
		add	hl,de
		ld	(curesld),hl
		if	acbbac
		ld	a,(setup)
		and	12
		jr	z,abc
		add	a,chtable#256
		ld	e,a
		adc	a,chtable/256
		sub	e
		ld	d,a
		ld	b,0
		ld	ix,ayregs
		ld	hl,ayregs
		ld	a,(de)
		inc	de
		ld	c,a
		add	hl,bc
		ld	a,(ix+tonb)
		ld	c,(hl)
		ld	(ix+tonb),c
		ld	(hl),a
		inc	hl
		ld	a,(ix+tonb+1)
		ld	c,(hl)
		ld	(ix+tonb+1),c
		ld	(hl),a
		ld	a,(de)
		inc	de
		ld	c,a
		add	hl,bc
		ld	a,(ix+amplb)
		ld	c,(hl)
		ld	(ix+amplb),c
		ld	(hl),a
		ld	a,(de)
		inc	de
		ld	(rxca1),a
		xor	8
		ld	(rxca2),a
		ld	hl,ayregs+mixer
		ld	a,(de)
		and	(hl)
		ld	e,a
		ld	a,(hl)
rxca1		ld	a,(hl)
		and	%010010
		or	e
		ld	e,a
		ld	a,(hl)
		and	%010010
rxca2		or	e
		or	e
		ld	(hl),a
		if	zx
noout		xor	a
		ld	de,$ffbf
		ld	bc,$fffd
		ld	hl,ayregs
lout		out	(c),a
		ld	b,e
		ld	b,d
		inc	a
		cp	13
		jr	nz,lout
		out	(c),a
		ld	a,(hl)
		and	a
		ret	m
		ld	b,e
		out	(c),a
		if	msx
;msx version of rout (c)dioniso
		xor	a
		ld	c,$a0
		ld	hl,ayregs
lout		out	(c),a
		inc	c
		dec	c
		inc	a
		cp	13
		jr	nz,lout
		out	(c),a
		ld	a,(hl)
		and	a
		ret	m
		inc	c
		out	(c),a
		if	acbbac
chtable		equ	$-4
		db	4,5,15,%001001,0,7,7,%100100
nt_data		db	(t_new_0-t1_)*2
		db	tcnew_0-t_
		db	(t_old_0-t1_)*2+1
		db	tcold_0-t_
		db	(t_new_1-t1_)*2+1
		db	tcnew_1-t_
		db	(t_old_1-t1_)*2+1
		db	tcold_1-t_
		db	(t_new_2-t1_)*2
		db	tcnew_2-t_
		db	(t_old_2-t1_)*2
		db	tcold_2-t_
		db	(t_new_3-t1_)*2
		db	tcnew_3-t_
		db	(t_old_3-t1_)*2
		db	tcold_3-t_
tcold_0		db	$00+1,$04+1,$08+1,$0a+1,$0c+1,$0e+1,$12+1,$14+1
		db	$18+1,$24+1,$3c+1,0
tcold_1		db	$5c+1,0
tcold_2		db	$30+1,$36+1,$4c+1,$52+1,$5e+1,$70+1,$82,$8c,$9c
		db	$9e,$a0,$a6,$a8,$aa,$ac,$ae,$ae,0
tcnew_3		db	$56+1
tcold_3		db	$1e+1,$22+1,$24+1,$28+1,$2c+1,$2e+1,$32+1,$be+1,0
tcnew_0		db	$1c+1,$20+1,$22+1,$26+1,$2a+1,$2c+1,$30+1,$54+1
		db	$bc+1,$be+1,0
tcnew_1		equ	tcold_1
tcnew_2		db	$1a+1,$20+1,$24+1,$28+1,$2a+1,$3a+1,$4c+1,$5e+1
		db	$ba+1,$bc+1,$be+1,0
pt3emptyorn	equ	$-1
		db	1,0
t_pack		db	($06ec*2/256)#256,($06ec*2)#256
		db	$0755-$06ec
		db	$07c5-$0755
		db	$083b-$07c5
		db	$08b8-$083b
		db	$093d-$08b8
		db	$09ca-$093d
		db	$0a5f-$09ca
		db	$0afc-$0a5f
		db	$0ba4-$0afc
		db	$0c55-$0ba4
		db	$0d10-$0c55
		db	$066d*2/256,($066d*2)#256
		db	$06cf-$066d
		db	$0737-$06cf
		db	$07a4-$0737
		db	$0819-$07a4
		db	$0894-$0819
		db	$0917-$0894
		db	$09a1-$0917
		db	$0a33-$09a1
		db	$0acf-$0a33
		db	$0b73-$0acf
		db	$0c22-$0b73
		db	$0cda-$0c22
		db	$0704*2/256,($0704*2)#256
		db	$076e-$0704
		db	$07e0-$076e
		db	$0858-$07e0
		db	$08d6-$0858
		db	$095c-$08d6
		db	$09ec-$095c
		db	$0a82-$09ec
		db	$0b22-$0a82
		db	$0bcc-$0b22
		db	$0c80-$0bcc
		db	$0d3e-$0c80
		db	$07e0*2/256,($07e0*2)#256
		db	$0858-$07e0
		db	$08e0-$0858
		db	$0960-$08e0
		db	$09f0-$0960
		db	$0a88-$09f0
		db	$0b28-$0a88
		db	$0bd8-$0b28
		db	$0c80-$0bd8
		db	$0d60-$0c80
		db	$0e10-$0d60
		db	$0ef8-$0e10
;vars from here can be stripped
;you can move vars to any other address
chana		ds	chp
chanb		ds	chp
chanc		ds	chp
delycnt		db	0
curesld		dw	0
curedel		db	0
ns_base		db	0
addtons		db	0
vt_		ds	256	;createdvolumetableaddress
envbase		equ	vt_+14
t1_		equ	vt_+16	;tone tables data depacked here
t_old_1		equ	t1_
t_old_2		equ	t_old_1+24
t_old_3		equ	t_old_2+24
t_old_0		equ	t_old_3+2
t_new_0		equ	t_old_0
t_new_1		equ	t_old_1
t_new_2		equ	t_new_0+24
t_new_3		equ	t_old_3
pt2emptyorn	equ	vt_+31	;1,0,0 sequence
nt_		ds	192	;creatednotetableaddress
;local var
ampl		equ	ayregs+amplc
var0end		equ	vt_+16	;init zeroes from vars to var0end-1
varsend		equ	$
mdladdr		equ	$
;release 0 steps:
;merging pt2 and pt3 players; debug
;debug; optimization
;migration to sjasm; conditional assembly (zx, msx and
;setport subprogram (35 bytes shorter)
;fixed curposcounter error
;added acb and bac channels swapper (for spectre); more cond.
;assembly keys; optimization
;tests in immation tester v1.0 by andy man/pos
;(for minimal build)
;module name/author     min tacts       max tacts
;pt3 (a little slower than standalone player)
;spleen/nik-o           1720            9368
;chuta/miguel           1720            9656
;zhara/macros           4536            8792
;pt2 (more slower than standalone player)
;epilogue/nik-o         3928            10232
;ny themes/zhenya       3848            9208
;guest 4/alex job       2824            9352
;kickdb/fatal snipe     1720            9880
;size (minimal build for zx spectrum):
;code block #7b4 bytes
;variables #21d bytes (can be stripped)
;size in ram #7b4+#21d=#9d1 (2513) bytes
;pro tracker 3.4r can not be detected by header, so pt3.4r tone
;tables realy used only for modules of 3.3 and older versions.
;        endmodule

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pt3player-asl.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/16 13:27 by darkbyte